As most of you know, last year there were many COVID cases after retreat. National projections are forecasting increasing cases into September and PA is already in a “high” wastewater viral activity level. Unfortunately, with a September gathering of 100+ people, we can’t guarantee there won’t be someone who is contagious. While many COVID cases are not serious, there is evidence that the risk of Long Covid is cumulative.
In light of this, we are taking the following steps
Stay home if you have congestion, a sore throat, or other symptoms that may be linked to COVID or other respiratory infections. While testing negative for COVID is a good sign, it’s not foolproof.
The Saturday morning group session will be held outside. Other activities will be outside if possible.
We have the pavilion reserved for Saturday morning, Saturday night, Coffee House, and Sunday morning so that we can be outside more.
We'll be doing a cookout dinner on Saturday night at the pavilion above the dining hall.
Unless it is too hot, during the day we will have the lodge windows open, fans blowing to improve air circulation, and several air purifiers. The air conditioning will be turned off for the day. At night we will turn the air conditioning on.
To lessen your chances of exposure, consider the following precautions
Only come for the day(s) or sleep in the Solar House (scholarships are available if needed)
Wear a mask in common areas
Eat meals outside away from others